For Immediate Release
For more information contact: Claire Donato (claire.elisabeth.donato AT gmail DOT com)
Website: http://www.meanwhilenetprov.com/ath15
When: Weekly & Wednesdays 11:00pm EDT (8:00pm PDT)
NEW YORK, NY; DULUTH, MN; LOS ANGELES, CA (June 24, 2015)—Meanwhile Netprov Studio announces All-Time High, a participatory netprov (networked improv narrative) game that will take place on Twitter throughout July. Based on a concept by writers Claire Donato and Jeff T. Johnson (who collaborate on Atelier Spatial America), All-Time High was developed with Meanwhile Netprov Studio founders Mark C. Marino and Rob Wittig.
According to the official website, meanwhilenetprov.com/ath15, “In All-Time High we find ourselves—our own high-school-aged selves—together at the same high school in July of 2015. What a nightmare, right?! And yet, what an opportunity. For comedy, if nothing else. And maybe even a bit of redemption.”
Readers become co-creators of the Twitter-based netprov with the use of the #ATH15 hashtag, and choose their own adventures at All-Time High. The official Twitter account, @alltimehigh2015, will operate as a PA system and make announcements over the course of the netprov.
Throughout July, participants will play out the differences (generational, geographical, subcultural) and the commonalities (stress, sugar, hormones) of life on a high-school wormhole. Using their own Twitter accounts or creating new ones, participants play their teenage selves and fictional or historical characters reimagined as high-school students or teachers.
This hyperactive summer school is scheduled around four grand, archetypal high school events—The Talent Show, The Big Game, The Big Dance, Graduation—at which participants gather on Twitter for an hour each week at 11:00pm EDT (8:00pm PDT). From Thursday to Tuesday students, teachers, and PTA members will work up some good old-fashioned (and new-fangled) high-school drama while avoiding the glare of the Vice Principal (@ATHvice). In an action-packed first week, The Talent Show shares its stage with The Big Test, and students rally to rename the decidedly dated team, The Fighting Cocks, and pick a new mascot.
Follow @alltimehigh2015 to receive announcements over the PA system, or visit http://www.meanwhilenetprov.com/ath15.